Saturday, April 15, 2017

Sort of serendipitous stuff

Finally visiting Bahrain. Supposed to visit last September, had big expectation, wanted to sign contract with one University there to manage its technology business incubator and for that have 5 members team.
Though finally able to sign contract with that University in December and helped to conduct feasibility study and prepare business plan for business incubator, but not able to visit that country.
As of now working with 4 Universities in Bahrain, helping to start technology business incubator or scale up existing business incubator start with pre-incubation services.
Last year started "Build a Company, Build a Nation" initiative. Conducted marketing research, whole Africa, then Zeroed on Nigeria, wanted to start an accelerator there. Then decided to start with consulting for technology business incubation, as sourcing startups for an accelerator, in a country like Nigeria, not that easy and all start ups there lack some basic things.
So started pitching to all Universities and polytechnics in Nigeria, help to start technology business incubator or help to scale up. 2 University wanted to take our help. Then pitched to institutes in Ghana, and so in more than 90 developing countries in Asia and Africa.
1st earned money in India, helped one University to prepare business plan to start a technology business incubator, 8 months back. Now working with more than 130 engineering colleges and universities in India, helping to start technology business incubator or scale up and providing pre-incubation services. Also help to start accelerator and fund. Doing same with more than 50 Universities in more than 40 developing countries in Asia and Africa.
Couple of weeks back owner of a University in Bahrain called me, earlier wanted to take our help. Signed contract and sent me air ticket and visa. Finally going to Bahrain, small country, only constraints but King and people of that country want to make their country like Israel. Some way we also able to help them, their economy's strategic diversification through technology business incubator or accelerator or fund.
Couple of days back signed contract with One University in Somalia, there also able to do many things, civil war destroyed that country and especially its capital Mogadishu, once known as White pearl of the Indian Ocean.
And Bahrain is famous for its pearls. Sort of serendipitous stuff.

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